Welcome to the CLTK homepage!
I am excited to have this little website to bring useful information to users of the CLTK. As the project continues to grow, I hope users can share tutorials, code snippets, etc..
If you are interested in authoring a post, you can send your text (preferably in Markdown) to me by email (kyle@kyle-p-johnson.com) or, better yet, fork this site’s repository, add your post, and make a pull request. This can all be done in-browser on GitHub. While not necessary, to clone this site and run it locally, see directions for using Jekyll on GitHub pages.
To author a new post, simply add a file to to the _posts
directory, following the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.markdown
and edit in the header the fields title
, date
, and author
(leave layout
and categories
One note for future contribs, code snippets such as the following are done with the syntax found on this page’s source.