New projects for Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code is an program which gives students a stipend to do three months’ of work for an approved open source organization. The CLTK has submitted an application for inclusion into the ranks of approved projects. (See all sorts of info about past projects and participants here.)
While we will not know whether we are accepted for another few days, these projects, on the project ideas page of the CLTK wiki, should serve as good ideas for anyone wishing to make a major, substantive contribution. These can also be found on the CLTK’s Issues tracker on GitHub, filtering by “Summer project”.
If you have any functionality that you would like to see in the CLTK, please don’t be shy about posting on the Issues tracker. Though normally used for reporting problems with existing functionality, it is equally important that we hear from our growing community what they need a tool like the CLTK to do.